Not a drop left by Nitu Ghale

Photo: Nitu Ghale/

‘Wash Your Hands To Avoid Corona’ say slogans on top of the 11 tanks and washbasins in Lalitpur set by Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited (KUKL), the company that manages Kathmandu Valley’s water and sanitation. These 11 tanks, along with bars of soaps, were set up in March to help residents to avoid infection. Four months on, the 500-liter capacity tanks are empty and/or not functioning, the washbasins are caked with dust, and the soaps bars have long disappeared.

According to Dol Prasad Chapagain, chief of KUKL Lalitpur, they paid Rs 8,500 for the tanks and basins and contracted a water company to fill the tanks up regularly but says the company has failed to do so. “We can’t operate these tanks forever, how many soaps can we keep adding when we don’t have the funds,” says Chapagain.

Text and photos: Nitu Ghale @eastern_keen
Edit: Mallika Aryal @mikaness

#NepalPhotoProject #lalitpur #storiesofpandemic #kukl #drinkingwater #Kathmanduvalley #covid19 #coronavirus #fearofinfection